Human Head Found Inside A Shark By Filipino Fishermen

Fishermen in the Philippines caught a 650-pound tiger shark and found more than fish guts inside.

Bodoy Gorgood and four others discovered a partially digested human head and a leg inside the belly of the beast while fishing between Bohol and Camigun islands on Nov. 5, according to Minda News.

"It was so disgusting. We can't bear the awful smell," Gorgood told Minda News.

The bad smell wasn't the only reason the fishermen threw the shark overboard. They also feared the spirit of the poor human gobbled up by the massive fish.

"We feared that the human remains may bring bad luck to us, so we opted to drop to the sea the shark's body and what's inside its belly," Gorgood said.

The fisherman kept the jaw of the giant tiger shark, but the wife of fisherman Perly Santillana feared being close to the human-chomping teeth. She also fears the soul of the body.

"I don't want the sight of that jaw, knowing that the shark had eaten a human being. Who knows the victim's spirit might visit us," Santillana said.

An expert diver believes the shark could have weighed twice as much as the fishermen said. Jake Miranda, of the Surigao Dive Club, measured the shark's tooth length at 1.25 inches and a jaw diameter of 17 inches, according to Minda News. The shark might have been 12.5 feet long with a 90-inch girth.

The fishermen belief the human remains might have belonged to one of the missing passengers on the M/V Maharlika 2 ferry, which went down off Leyte on Sept. 13. Two male passengers remain unaccounted for from the ill-fated ship.

Shark, Human