Philae Probe: Science Reporter Abused Online After Criticizing Engineer

In a very historic moment, the Philae probe landed on a comet 310 million miles from Earth on Wednesday, snapping the first photo of a comet's surface. One of the scientists involved - Matt Taylor, from the European Space Agency's Rosetta Project - did a televised interview wearing a button down decorated with busty, barely-clothed women.

That's when things got ugly and the Internet exploded with vitriol reserved for women who publically criticize men, Jezebel reported.

Rose Eveleth, a science journalist from The Atlantic, pointed out that his shirt possibly gives off the message that women aren't welcome or taken seriously in the sciences.

Eveleth tweeted: "No no women are toooootally welcome in our community; just ask the dude in this shirt."

Below are screen caps from some of the responses she received via Twitter:

Still, some Twitter users didn't find the backlash amuzing, and stood up for Eveleth:

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