
Best Country In The World Revealed

Germany apparently is the best country in the world, topping the U.S. who held that title for the last six years, according to a new survey.

Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index surveyed 20,000 people from 20 different nations, quizzing them on their perception of other countries.

This was the first time the Germans came out on top in annual survey in the last 10 years. The last time they were voted as the best country was when George W. Bush was president and the international perception of America was much weaker than other years, Telegraph reported.

The FIFA World Cup may have influenced the polling since Germany's soccer team took home the title just before the polling begun.

Germany was undoubtedly an exciting place to be when their team finished on top, but that may not be the only reason they are percieved as the number one country.

"Germany appears to have benefited not only from the sports prowess it displayed on the world stage at the FIFA World Cup, but also by solidifying its perceived leadership in Europe through a robust economy and steady political stewardship," index founder Simon Anholt, the independent policy advisor to heads of state around the world who claims to have coined the term "nation branding," said to Telegraph.

The U.S. was ranked number two in the survey, followed by the U.K, France and Canada.

Germany, U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Fifa, FIFA World Cup
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