Dog Search Costs Owner $35K

A District of Columbia woman would do anything to be reunited with her dog who went missing after chasing a deer in the woods last year - she already spent about $35,000 in efforts to get him back.

Janet Mihalyfi, 39, is using all the resources she can think of to find her lost friend and family member. In the past year since her Rottweiler mix, Havoc's, disappearance she has hired psychics, private investigators, posted thousands of fliers, installed cameras in the woods and put out dog food at spots where Havoc has allegedly been spotted, The Associated Press reported.

"Anybody that has a pet knows that they are a family member," Mihalyfi told AP. "I love him as I would anybody that I'm close with ... I can't give up on him."

Havoc went missing in November 2013 after Mihalyfi took the leash off Havoc and her other pet dog in the woods. A deer ran by them and the dogs chased it. Mihalyfi says she hasn't seen her dog ever since.

Mihalyfi, who works as an information technology director at a Washington consulting firm, says its been an exhausting year but the new tips she gets about her pup's whereabouts keep her going. She estimates that 30 to 40 of the tips she gets are accurate.

"I know people are in shock by the number but there's also a correlation between how long I go after this," Mihalyfi said to AP. "Lost-dog searches are expensive and this has lasted a year."

Dog, Lost dog, Rottweiler, Family
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