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Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe: Chef Charlie Boghosian Creates New Glazed Doughnut Sandwich at San Diego County Fair (PHOTO)

A new glazed doughnut sandwich has been unveiled. Chef Charlie Boghosian of Chicken Charlie's in Del Mar, Calif. unveiled the new Krispy Kreme sloppy Joe sandwich, reports the Huffington Post. The sandwich will feature sloppy joe and shredded cheddar cheese stuffed between two halves of a Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut.

The sandwich debuted at the San Diego County Fair. Chicken Charlie also announced the sweet-and-savory sandwich on their Facebook page posting that "your stomach will thank you!" A lot of people seemed to like the idea of a new doughnut sandwich writing on their Facebook page that they wanted to try the sandwich.

"Looks delicious! I can't wait to eat one... or three," one user posted on the social networking site.

"I think I gained 10 lbs and had 2 arteries clog just reading this, but as always I just gotta try it!!!," write another. Others chimed in as well posting "road trip to the San Diego Fair" and "gonna have to try that!"

A couple of pictures of the actual sandwich were even posted on Twitter.

Also making a show at the fair was Chef Boghosian's deep-fried bacon-wrapped pickles, cookie dough bites and waffle dogs.

"We're known for crazy foods, so this is a little bit different," Boghosian told Yahoo Shine about the new sandwich. "It's crazy but it's not fried."

He said his wife's sloppy joe dinners are what helped him come up with the idea.

"I've eaten so much sloppy joe the traditional way I thought 'We've got to change it up,'" he said.

Boghosian admitted to the website that at first it looked a little strange but the "flavors totally worked."

He has already created another Krispy Kreme sandwich. It's "a chicken drizzled with honey and layered between two glazed doughnuts" and is a favorite among his customers.

"I took the first bite, and I swear to you... my brains stopped, I couldn't even think," he told Yahoo Shine. "Then I realized, the sweet and salty was unbelievable. Then I kept on eating... I couldn't out it down. I got addicted. It was so darn good."

Right now the sandwich is only available at the San Diego County Fair which runs until July 4 and has reportedly been pretty popular. Chef Boghosian is also the man behind deep-fried Kool Aid and deep-fried cereal.

Recently, Dunkin Donuts announced and unveiled their Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich which has two fried eggs and bacon between a split glazed doughnut.

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