'Assassin's Creed: Unity' Glitches: Ubisoft Announces Patches To Fix Performance Issues

Ubisoft has announced a second and third patches for “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” players are coming soon.

On the official AC live blog, the company revealed the issues they will be addressing in future patches. Developers added they want users to continue to leave feedback and let them know if they experience more issues.

“If you’re having problems that aren’t included here, make sure to report them by contacting customer support,” Ubisoft wrote. “We will be updating the forum thread with the comprehensive list of issues —and the known solutions or workarounds — on a regular basis, so be sure to check that page often!”

Some user issues reported range from graphics issues with disappearing faces to crashes when they join in co-op mode.

Click here to check back for live updates regarding “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” for all gaming platforms. Check out the list below for everything that will be updated in the second patch:

Frame Rate issues
Arno falling through the ground
Arno getting caught inside hay carts
Delay in reaching the main menu screen at game start
Graphical and collision issues
Matchmaking/co-op issues (including crashes when joining co-op)
Helix Credit purchase problems
Uplay service outages
Some Unite program rewards not redeemable
Some Ubi-collectible codes appearing invalid
Companion App issues
Initiates service outages

Note this list includes a number of items that will be fixed in Patch Two. To see the complete list of specific issues for each platform, check out our full list of known issues in the forums.

What kinds of issues have you experienced since playing “Assassin’s Creed: Unity?” Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Warning: the video below contains language that is NSFW.

Assassin's Creed: Unity, Fixes, Patch, Ubisoft