Piers Morgan Defends Kim Kardashian's Naked 'Paper' Shoot: 'Haters 'Can Go Kiss Her Ass'

Kim Kardashian's backside has caught the attention of Piers Morgan, who came to the reality star's defense after she received mainly negative criticism for posing naked in "Paper Magazine."

In a penned essay for Daily Mail Online, the 49-year-old journalist praised Kanye West's wife for her cover photo and also bashed critics for their unreasonable response to the pictures.

"Predictably, the abuse and ridicule began to pour in as fast as the gasps of shock, awe and admiration," he wrote. "Ms Kardashian-West was apparently a 'slut', a 'terrible mom', a 'disgrace to the human race,' 'a dumb, trashy b***h,' etc. Of course, she's heard it all before, ever since that sex tape was leaked and propelled her into the kind of instant, gigantic cyberspace notoriety that can either crush a woman or make her so strong and impervious to criticism that she builds a $1 billion brand. Kim's in the latter category and people hate her for it."

Morgan, who said the photograph that will be forever etched in the memory, admitted that he liked and admired Kardashian-West. He recalled a pervious interview with the reality star where he called her "a warm, unpretentious, honest and rather charming young lady."

The TV Journalist also seemed surprised that Kardashian-West received sp much criticism for exploiting her body, while celebrities like Rihanna, Madonna or Beyonce gyrate their booties on stage and call their actions "art."

"Kim doesn't take drugs, get drunk, fall out of clubs, cheat on her man, or do any of the other insanely louche things stars with far greater 'talent' often do," he continued. "She works ridiculously hard, is good to her fans, and is by all accounts a good, loving daughter, sister, wife and now mom herself."

In the post Morgan called the reality star and "a cheeky little minx at the top of her game" and added that she was laughing "all the way to the bank."

He ended his piece by writing, "And all you lazy, snide, snobbish, patronising and hypocritical critics can go kiss her ass - there's plenty of room."

The "Keeping up With the Kardashian" star responded to Morgan's piece on Twitter, writing, "XOXOX @piersmorgan"

Piers Morgan, Kim Kardashian, Paper Magazine
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