Naked, Homeless New York Subway Rider Loves Being Nude

The homeless New Yorker who was caught riding the subway was identified and says he gets naked "a lot."

"I like to be naked. It turns me on," nudist Ed Haines, 40, said to New York Post. "I wish I could do it all the time. I would if I could if I wouldn't get in trouble."

Although he enjoys being in the nude, Haines was so intoxicated last week when the first picture of him surfaced that he didn't remember riding the subway nude. That night, Nov. 6, he ended the night in the hospital with no reccolection of the events of the evening.

Haines learned he rode the subway naked after a NY Post reporter showed Haines the picture of himself and pointed out that Haines had the same tattoo as the man pictured.

"It was me naked on the train," Haines finally admitted.

A picture surfaced a few days later on Nov. 8 of Haines nude again - this time sitting on a park bench. When the NY Post showed him the newest picture the homeless man responded "that could have been anytime" adding that he gets naked "a lot."

Haines has a sense of humor about his nudity, pointing out that the picture of him sitting naked on the bench is reminiscent on the "Seinfeld" episode where Jerry spots a naked man sitting on a bench in a park.

He also says he's jealous of Kim Kardashian's recent nude pictures. "I wish I could get naked like that," he said to NY Post.

Naked, Nude, Subway, New York, Kim Kardashian, Seinfeld, Jerry seinfeld