Sociopaths In The Work Place: Are You One Of Them?

A sociopath is someone who falls under antisocial personality traits, which generally means they have a disregard for the feelings of others, according to Psychology Today. The degree of the conduct disorder depends on the persons place on the spectrum of disorders. Basically, someone you know could just be a jerk or they could be a total psychopath.

There is a difference between a psychopath and a sociopath. "Sociopathy is chiefly characterized as a something severely wrong with one's conscience; psychopathy is characterized as a complete lack of conscience regarding others," Psychology Today explains. "Some professionals describe people with this constellation of symptoms as 'stone cold' to the rights of others."

How do you know someone is a sociopath? Look around the office. There may be a sociopath in the cubicle next door. Here are some signs to look for provided by Bernardo Tirado in Psychology Today:

1. Sociopaths are charming

Sociopaths are great at blending in with the crowd, according to Tirado. They have the gift of gab and usually get what they want through charm. They always know what to say.

2. Sociopaths have a feeling of entitlement

According to Seth Meyers, a clinical psychologist with the L.A. County Department of Mental Health, "Everything is up for grabs with sociopaths and nothing is off limits." Sociopaths already have an undercurrent of rage, so if they don't get an immediate answer they think they deserve, they will call, message and even knock on your door until they get what they want.

3. Sociopaths have no empathy

Sociopaths just don't get feelings. They can't experience shame or love, so any apology you get from a sociopath, see number one above, because you are being manipulated.

According to Jon Ronson in the book "The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through The Madness Industry," psychopaths and sociopaths may seem to love their family, but in reality they are protective of what they see as possessions - see sign number two above.

Tirado cites pseudonymous M.E. Thomas, author of "Confessions of a Sociopath," as stating, "Probably the biggest characteristic of a sociopath is their lack of empathy. ... They can't really imagine or feel the emotional worlds of other people. It's very foreign to them. And they don't have conscience."

4. Sociopaths are liars

Sociopaths, according to Tirado, are amazingly good at lying and great at getting away with it. They enjoy the game of manipulation and will target people they know will believe their lies and do their bidding.

According to Tirado, Martha Stout, author of "The Sociopath Next Door" said, "the perfect victim is ...someone who is very, very loyal. Most of us consider loyalty to be a very positive trait-and it is a positive trait. But it also blinds people to some of the traits of the person they're loyal to."

Does this mean that your annoying coworker goes home and kills people? Not necessarily.

Sociopaths don't have to be criminals. They can just be sexy, quick-witted corporate ladder climbers.

Or, like Thomas recounts in her book, your coworker may go home and let a possum drown in the pool because she just didn't feel like getting the net to fish him out.

Or that.

Psychology, Workplace, Mental health, Mental illness
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