Obama Amnesty Bill To Give Illegal Immigrants Safety From Deportation And Benefits

President Barack Obama announced he will overstep Congress and outline a plan on Thursday that will relax the United States immigration policy, and a report from the Federation of American Immigration Reform reported this plan will also have access to welfare and other public benefits, Breitbart.com reported.

"Obama's executive amnesty isn't only unconstitutional but costly; from day one it opens up federal and state benefits to individuals who are still illegal aliens, regardless of the label the President puts on them," FAIR executive director Julie Kirchner told Breitbart News.

President Obama plans on granting 5 million undocumented immigrants relief from deportation in a speech on Thursday, according to Breitbart.com.

The White House said Obama will deliver a televised speech on Thursday night laying out the plan followed by a trip to Las Vegas on Friday to build support because Nevada is home to the highest proportion of undocumented immigrants in the country, Breitbart.com reported.

"So what I'm going to be laying out is the things that I can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as I continue to work with Congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan, comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem," Obama said, according to The Associated Press.

There are currently an estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States, according to Breitbart.com.

Obama's plan will expand a 2012 executive order by the president that gave relief from deportation and work permits to undocumented children brought to the United States by their parents, Breitbart.com reported.

Republican's have expressed concern that Obama's move could potentially have the unintended effect of increasing illegal immigration along the U.S. southern border with Mexico, if it is perceived as a softening of U.S. policy toward future migrants, the AP reported.

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