
Obama's Labor Day Flights - Including Trips To Democratic Fundraisers - Cost Taxpayers $1.5 Million, Government Watchdog Says

A new report released by a government watchdog shows President Barack Obama's Labor Day weekend trips cost more than $1.5 million, all paid for by taxpayers.

Judicial Watch announced Tuesday that it obtained records from the U.S. Air Force which reveal the total flight costs for Obama's trips for fundraising, personal business and politicking came to a total of $1,539,402.10. The records were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed in September.

The expense breakdown provided by Judicial Watch is as follows:

  • Flights for Obama's 2014 Labor Day weekend fundraising trips to Westchester, New York, and Providence, Rhode Island, cost taxpayers $527,192.50
  • Transportation for Obama's round-trip flight from D.C. to Westchester, New York, to attend a wedding cost taxpayers $358,490.90
  • The flight for Obama's trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to speak at "Laborfest 2014" cost taxpayers $653,718.70

    While in New York, Obama attended two Democratic National Committee fundraisers - one a BBQ at the home of former UBS CEO Robert Wolf. Obama then left for a private fundraiser at the home of former Nortek CEO Richard Bready, reported Judicial Watch. So far this year, Obama has attended nine fundraiser events for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

    Obama then made a last-minute change to fly to D.C. for the night so that he could "sleep in his own bed, do a little work, spend some time with his family, and then travel back to New York," according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

    The choice to fly to D.C. instead of remaining in New York ended up costing taxpayers $295,227.80.

    The president then finished his weekend off with a campaign speech at Laborfest 2014 in Milwaukee.

    "This Labor Day back-and-forth shows President Obama seems to confuse Air Force One with Uber," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "President Obama abuses not only taxpayers with this unnecessary travel - he strains an already overstretched military and a Secret Service that is in crisis and can't even guard the front door of the White House. The new Congress could do worse than to reform presidential travel so taxpayers aren't gouged by candidates and campaigns benefitting from the political use of Air Force One."

    The $1.5 million pricetag is only what taxpayers paid for Obama's air travel expenses, noted The Washington Times, and does not account for manpower involved, room stays, food or incidentals.

    Report, Judicial Watch, Obama, Taxpayers, Labor Day
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