This Is Sportscenter: HNGN's Writers Pick Their Favorite Commercials - Manny Ramirez, Kobe Bryant & More

HNGN's sports writers pick their favorite "This Is Sportscenter" commercials:


When it comes to ESPN's "This Is SportsCenter" commercials, there are a wide array of reasons to either truly enjoy or genuinely loathe the often thirty second TV spots - it features a team or a player your like/hate, it deals with a topic you find hilarious/idiotic, the anchor acting in it makes you feel all fluttery/pissed off.

Usually, if I'm a fan, it's simply because I find it out-and-out funny, no matter who is in the sketch or what the sketch is about.

That's why it may seem a little biased - since I was born and raised a Philadelphia sports fan - for me to choose a sketch featuring a Philly sports figure.

But - and bear with me here because I know how unbelievable this is going to sound - I like the sketch below for reasons that have entirely nothing to do with the presence of folk hero/bad-ass/greatest short stop of all time (OK, maybe second greatest), Jimmy Rollins.

I swear.



My favorites are the ones from 1996 rookie year of Kobe Bryant and Keyshawn Johnson, when they're instructed how to deal with the media. It's hilarious to see Kobe so subdued. My favorite line in it is when Kobe is asked what he's going to say to Michael Jordan when he sees him on the court. Kobe answers, "have a great game" - something totally unlike the Kobe we know today. Kobe is a huge trash talker, and his reserved demeanor in the commercials makes it fun to look back on.

Kobe is the last of a dying breed. He's old school. When he retires, there won't be much attitude left in the NBA. At all.


Defining the "best" of something is a completely arbitrary exercise. It's like defining most valuable when it comes to NBA MVP voting. Everyone has a different meaning and interpretation.

For example, the Stephen King "This is SportsCenter" commercial easily has the best concept in the series. Only King would take something as mundane as a game recap and infuse demons and telekinetic powers into it.

Scott Van Pelt's performance enhancer commercial is a sharply entertaining critique on baseball's steroid scandal. Plus, the irony of mentioning Alex Rodriguez is just perfect.

Andrew McCutchen's Pirate commercial is without a doubt the silliest in the series. But the opportunity to utter the phrase, "plunder the lox" is priceless.

But when all is said and done, no commercial in the series is as laugh-inducing as the Manny Ramirez edition. Pure comedy gold right there.


The best "This Is SportsCenter" commercial plays a great spoof on the steroid and performance-enhancing drug issue, specifically in Major League Baseball. In the 30-second bit, ESPN anchor Scott Van Pelt is accused of using "enhancers" when his vocabulary significantly improves while he's on the air.

In one of the live broadcasts, he rambles off a sentence that leaves fellow anchor Stuart Scott completely befuddled. "And A-Rod exhibits inordinate aptitude in spheroidical aviation," he finishes. As a result, the FBI gets involved and receives a warrant to search his desk. What do they find? A thesaurus. Van Pelt is toast. "Unhand me, rapscallion!" he yells before being taken into custody. Gold. Although it was aired back in 2009, the commercial is still relative because the MLB just recently went through the Biogenesis Scandal.

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