FERGUSON: Officer Wilson Quietly Married Fellow Officer Since Michael Brown Shooting

Former Officer Darren Wilson married another member of the Ferguson Police Department, according to CNN.

On Oct. 24, Wilson married Barbara Lynn Spradling. Wilson and Spradling shared a home prior to the ceremony. Very little information was available from the marriage license or applications, according to CNN.

A clerk at the courthouse told The New York Times that she was surprised Wilson didn't file somewhere more anonymous, like Las Vegas. The New York Times article sparked controversy by printing the street on which Wilson and his wife live.

Twenty-eight-year old Wilson is nine years younger than his wife and had a previous marriage end in divorce, dissolution or annulment, the application says. This is Spradling's first marriage.

Municipal Judge Christopher Graville married the couple in Oakland, about 15 miles south of Ferguson, according to CNN.

Wilson has not been seen in public since the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown. A grand jury has decided not to indict Wilson.

Ferguson, Ferguson Police Department, Darren Wilson, Michael Brown, Oakland, Wedding
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