PS4 vs Xbox One: E3 2013 Stages Microsoft and Sony Next-Gen Gaming Platform War (WATCH)

With Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 revealed, commentators are questioning which one is more appealing to gamers.

Specs wise, both the next-gen gaming platforms provide 500 GB of hard drive storage, achievement rewards and cloud storage. Both systems will allow users to watch Blue-rays and DVDs.

However, there are a few differences between the two systems.

Let's start with the obvious positive about the PS4: the price.

The Xbox One is set to retail for $499 while, the PS4 is priced at $399. If you're looking for quality gaming at a lower price, then the PS4 is the more financially appealing choice.

The next difference that's leaving a sour taste in Microsoft users' mouths is the Xbox One users game sharing policy. Gamers who want to trade-in their games for new ones may do so at participating retailer, that part remains untouched.

However, Xbox One restrictions say users may only download a shared game with someone who is on their friend's list for 30 days. The new sharing process can only be done once per game.

The PS4 announced there will be no restrictions on sharing, reselling or trading used games nor will they have a used game fee. Unlike the Xbox One, there is also no required Internet connection to play with the PS4.

"When a gamer buys a PS4 disc, they have the rights to use that disc. They can sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever," Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, told the crowd at Sony's press conference at the E3 Expo.

Loud cheers ensued after Tretton's comments at Sony's press conference, but don't count out Microsoft just yet.

With the release of blockbuster games such as the "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" and "Battlefield 4," the system's Kinect support and multimedia capabilities, the Xbox One is more than capable of taking on the PS4 in an all-out next-gen gaming war.

You can watch both in depth E3 press conferences in the videos below.

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