'Sherlock': Production Photos from Upcoming Special Leave Fans Guessing

If you are fan of the BBC show "Sherlock" then this tidbit may be interest you. On the "Sherlock" Facebook fan page today, two very interesting photos were posted. The photos have to do with the "Sherlock" special which is due to begin production in January.

The first image shows the actual production script for the highly anticipated episode. The caption for the photo states: "So, this is what we've been doing today... (and later on we'll have a photo of #Sherlock and John as they'll appear in the special) #221back."

As promised, two hours later the second, and infinitely more interesting, image was posted which shows both Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Watson (Martin Freeman) dressed in the Victorian garb one would expect the original, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle characters to be attired in. The caption for this photo is simply: "#221back #Sherlock #notkidding."

This leads one to wonder: Just what the heck is going on here? This version of "Sherlock" is very much set in modern times, so why are Cumberbatch and Freeman costumed in this manner? Do they go back in time? Is there some kind of costume and/or Halloween event at the center of this special? Or are the producers just taking a break from the modern timeline and having some fun with special by setting it in the time period these characters originated from?

It's anyone's guess right now. Hopefully, more information will follow these photos soon.

The one-time special episode of "Sherlock" begins production in January 2015, to be shown at the end of the year, with the three-episode, fourth season to shoot later in 2015 and air sometime in 2016.

BBC, Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman