Botox Clears Eczema In Model's Face

After a lifetime of suffering from eczema that killed her self-esteem, 24-year-old model Danielle Sheehan found a cure in Botox treatments, the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday.

She said she went to the doctor for as long as she can remember trying every kind of cream, lotion and treatment. But nothing seemed to work. It came back four years ago after a long reprieve during childhood. Her work really suffered as a model and dancer due to her condition.

"I stopped booking photo shoots, my eyes were so bad I didn't want to see my boyfriend and I used to have to put socks on my hands at night to stop me scratching," she said.

When she tried Botox a year and a half ago, it seemed to clear up her eczema as well as leaving her forehead free of wrinkles. Crying especially irritated her face, and when she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her shortly after Botox treatments, she cried harder than she had in a long time.

A day after her crying spell, and five days after treatment, her mother noticed that Sheehan's face was clear and eczema-free.

"My mum was really shocked, I was fresh faced. There was no sign of the red, angry patches of eczema that would flare up after I had been crying," she said.

Sheehan said the amazing discovery brought back her confidence lost over night. For the first time years, she liked how she looked when she looked in the mirror.

Sheehan made a name for herself after appearing on The Bachelor in 2012, but was voted off by Spencer Matthews, the Daily Mail reported in a different article from 2012.

In face, Botox is used to treat a number of ailments.

It's been shown that it can improve overactive bladder symptoms, and decreases the need to urinate frequently. Muscle stiffness in the wrist, elbow and fingers were also shown to clear up from Botox. Those aged over 12 ca also opt to have the treatment for eye muscle condition or abnormal eye spasms.

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