Ohio Father Turns Teenage Son Into Police After Finding Out That He May Be A 'Peeping Tom'

A teen's father reportedly turned his son in to the Ohio police after finding out that the 15-year-old boy was an alleged "Peeping Tom" who lurked outside neighbor's windows and recorded half-naked women, WBNS-TV in Columbus reported. Grandview Heights police are currently working to identify and contact the victims.

"I'm ashamed. I feel like I have failed as a parent," the father, whose identity has not been released in order to protect the anonymity of his other young children, from central Ohio said. "I love my son unconditionally. But that love is not going to override the fact that he needs to pay for what he did."

The teen's father discovered a memory card while doing his son's laundry. After plugging it into a computer, he found numerous photos and videos of three women around the Grandview Heights neighborhood near Columbus, Ohio, many of which had been taken from outside their bedroom windows, according to10TV.

"There were a few that were dressed, and there were quite a few where the women were not dressed at all," he told WBNS-TV. "It was just feelings of disgust flowing through me, like why would somebody do this to another human being?"

Immediately, he confronted the 15-year-old, who eventually admitted to taking the photos through the windows of nearby homes, according to ABC News.

"The first thing I did was call the police and let them know, and then I took the memory card with the evidence on it to the police station and let them handle it," he said, adding that the thought of not involving the police never even crossed his mind.

"He has to, I guess, face the consequences for his actions. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it. I, as a parent, cannot do what's wrong to try to cover up something my son did that was wrong. I have to do what's right, regardless."

As the police continue to search the teen's electronics, they have identified one of the three victims. But since contact has still not been made, there have been no charges filed.

"I can imagine there's probably going to be a lot of people in the area that are now going to be looking out their windows and wondering is somebody standing out there and I feel horrible."

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