LEGO 'Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens' Trailer Is Already a Reality...and It's Quite Remarkable (WATCH IT)

So, the official trailer for the new "Star Wars" film just hit the internet yesterday at approximately 10 AM EST... and there's already a LEGO recreation of said trailer on the internet. If that kind of industry and creativity wasn't enough to be admired, it's very well done to boot. Kudos to the Daily Mail for the tip.

Revel in the awesomeness of LEGO "Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens" trailer below:

In less than 24 hours, YouTube user Snooperking has uploaded a shot-for-shot remake of the new "Star Wars" trailer. To be fair (and a bit of a critic), there aren't a ton of complex shots in the original trailer, nor is there a ton of real information to be gleaned, so that certainly contributes to the ease and alacrity Snooperking had in recreating it.

Of course, this trailer is by no means the last one we'll see, be it another Lego version, or a "sweded" version or perhaps a fan-made remake compiled by Lucasfilm itself, but it's no less noteworthy.

And let's not forget, Lego and Star Wars are intimately connected. A "Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens" video game is inevitable, which will be a little lighter in tone, I'm sure. And as for an offline LEGO set, that new rolling ball droid and badass, three-pronged lightsaber sure would be most cool additions to any LEGO set.

Lego, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Trailer, LucasFilm, Disney
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