Redhead Beauty Site Is Booming

A beauty site devoted to helping redheads find products to compliment their natural features is rapidly gaining popularity.

Redheads make up six percent of the U.S. population, reported Yahoo News, and are typically not represented in the mainstream media.

Readheaded sisters Adrienne and Stephanie Vendetti were tired of not being represented in the media, leading them to starting the blog, How To Be A Readhead, that finally caters to redheads.

"If you talk to any redhead, they were all bullied as kids for their looks and then often, once they get older, they feel more empowered and want to really own their red hair," Adrienne Vendetti Hodges said to Yahoo News. "So we just knew that this was what redheads needed because we wanted this as little kids."

Not only is the website designed to help redheads find beauty products to compliment their complexion, but they also strive to teach girls to be confident in their red locks.

The sisters were the only two redheads in their elementary school, and they told Mail Online that it caused them to be bullied. Stephanie even became a blonde for seven years to hide her red hair that made her the minority in her group of friends.

The website is designed to show other redheads that they're not alone.

"Giving out makeup and hair advice is great, but I think the most powerful thing is that young girls write in saying 'If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even go to school' because bullying is so intense," said Hodges. "That's really the power behind How To Be A Redhead. It's empowering other women."

Hair, Beauty, Makeup, Media, Sisters, Business, Blog