'Batman: Arkham Knight': PlayStation Experience Shows Off Third Trailer (WATCH IT)

Debuted yesterday at PlayStation Experience, here's the third installment of a "Batman: Arkham Knight" trailer series that began last week, showing the Ace Chemicals Infiltration sequence from the upcoming game.

"Man and Machine must work together to rescue the final Ace Chemicals worker and take on the Arkham Knight in an epic confrontation," reads the tag line on the "Arkham Knight" Youtube page. Essentially, what we have here is a combination of the first two videos: Batman kicking the holy crap out of goons in a variety of interesting ways...but he gets bored with that, so he gets in his Bat-Tank (I refuse to call it the "Batmobile" here because it isn't that any longer) and blows an attack chopper to teeny-tiny bits because, ostensibly, it is "messing with his city." At least we get a cool glimpse of this game's big bad Scarecrow here, and he doesn't seem to be playing around at all.

The preceding two trailers are here and here.

"Batman: Arkham Knight" will launch June 2, 2015, on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. Thanks to Flickering Myth for the tip.

Batman, PlayStation Experience, Trailer
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