
Dinosaur Discovery: ‘House Pet-Sized' Skeleton Found in South Korea

Apparently not all dinosaurs were the giant, threatening kind like those found in "Jurassic Park."

In fact, some were as small as two to four pounds, as a recent archaeological discovery in South Korea indicated.

The skeleton comes from what is believed to be a microraptor, a bird-like dinosaur typically ranging up to four pounds in size, according to Korea's JoongAng Daily.

The fossilized skeleton of a carnivorous dinosaur was found in Hadong County in South Gyeongsang by a fisherman who reported the finding to the authorities. Research on the fossil was then conducted by both the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and the Korea Geological Heritage Research Institute of Chinju National University of Education.

It was concluded that the dinosaur walked upright, ate meat and was believed to be of the raptor genus.

Researchers aren't sure if the discovery has been recorded before, and the fossil could actually represent a new, unrecorded breed of dinosaur.

The bones of another separate dinosaur were found beside the first discovery.

While parts of carnivorous dinosaurs have been found in the past in Korea, the recent discovery was the first time a skeleton with a skull was found in the Asian country.

It is believed that the fossil is from the Cretaceous period, which ended 66 million years ago with the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. The microraptor has been documented to measure between 30 to 35 inches.

It is considered rare to find bones of an entire dinosaur intact.

Scientists say it will take about a year to completely analyze and classify the discovery.

Dinosaur, South Korea, Skeleton, Paleontologists, Archaeologists, Jurassic
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