'Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens': Intriguing Plot Leaks Hit the Web (SPOILERS)

Someone alleging to be a Lucasfilm employee posted possible "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" spoilers on 4chan (via TheMovieNetwork).

The supposed Lucasfilm employee must be disgruntled or wants attention because s/he dumped a good deal of critical plot points out into the wilds of the internet...which 4chan most certainly is. The leaker discusses all aspects of the film: from the meaning of the title to character origins. If this information is indeed the real deal, I would say that we aren't looking at any "Phantom Menace"-style debacle here...and thank the gods on high for that.


Among the highlights from the leak are:

Actor John Boyega's character is, despite being a Stormtrooper, the film's new hero as he becomes aware of his Force sensitivity.

The film's title is literal, referring to an "awakening" taking place within the Force itself as its very nature is changing and growing more powerful. People who might have been merely Force sensitive before are suddenly sensing it.

The leader of Red Squadron has a rather unhealthy obsession with Sith history much like those guys in the military who can't stop collecting Nazi memorabilia.

The Empire does indeed still exist as mentioned in previous leaks and the battle for supremacy between it and the Alliance rages on thirty years later.

Speaking of thirty years later, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) has trained a few new Jedi Knights, but something happened between Episodes VI & VII concerning a using of his full power that has caused him to go into hiding.

Luke is also opposed to Jedi Knights having a role in government because of how well that worked out last time.

The Inquisitors from the animated series "Star Wars: Rebels" are still around in the new film, indicating that hunting down and possibly killing Force-sensitive types is still in their job description. Based on the "Awakening," it sounds like they've got their work cut out for them.

And the biggest piece of news for those who seemed to consider him more than merely a cool-looking henchman: Boba Fett is still alive.

Cool stuff for sure. It will be interesting to see how much, if any, of this holds water. I must admit that I am kind of disappointed there's nothing here about the "future" versions of Han and Leia, and how their (rumored) offspring fits into the whole mix.

I guess I'll just have to wait until "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" hits theaters on December 18, 2015.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, LucasFilm, Mark hamill, John Boyega, 4chan, Disney, Walt Disney
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