Two-Faced Kitten Gets Clean Bill Of Health; First Week Will Be Crucial (VIDEO)

A kitten with two faces was born in Oregon on Tuesday at 6:11 a.m., according to the Huffington Post.

The kitten's name is Deucy, she has four eyes, two noses, and two mouths.

Deucy's owner Stephanie Durkee took the kitten to the vet, in the examination room they found all of her organs were intact and working.

This is not the first time a two-headed cat, commonly referred to as a Janus cat, has been born. In February of 2012 a two-faced black cat was born named Harvey Dent, but the kitten died two days later. Another two-faced kitten born in July of the same year also died just days after birth because he had two tracheas and had trouble eating.

"The kids actually found them and came in and said, 'mom there's a kitty with two heads,' and I said, 'I think you guys are just tired, you're crazy, that doesn't happen," Durkee said, according to Mail Online.

The kitten was rejected by her mother, but the family plans to take on the task of feeding and caring for the little one. They want to keep Deucy and are happy to hear she's healthy, despite the two faces, reported.

Janus cats are named after the Roman god Janus, who is usually depicted as having two faces. They usually don't live longer than a few years.

David Lytle a spokesman for the Oregon Humane Society said this is the first time the organization has ever seen a Janus cat, medically known as diprosopus, reported Oregon Live.

Lytle said the condition is seen in cattle much more often than in cats or other animals. He warned the first week of the kitten's life will be crucial in determining survival.

"We've seen animals with all kinds of deformities, but many find a way to triumph over them," he said. "We've got our fingers crossed that it happens in this case too."


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