Glassdoor Names Google Best Company to Work For Based on Employee Feedback

Google has taken the top spot on Glassdoor's list of companies to work for, winning the seventh annual Employee's Choice Awards for the best places to work in the U.S. and Britain.

The award covers 50 companies that have at least 1,000 employees, and the top spot is determined based on feedback from employees, according to the Los Angeles Times. Google is often in the top 50, but this marks the first time it has ever been No.1, having claimed the No. 8 spot in the 2014 list.

The search giant received the award for 2015 for several reasons, including high compensation, corporate benefits, balance between work and life outside the company, and Chief Executive Larry Page receiving a high employee approval rating.

"Google employees in particular are talking about the company really stepping up in the past 12 months and making their lives easier in and out of work when it comes to how they work and function with their families," said Scott Dobroski, career trends analyst at Glassdoor, The Washington Post reported.

Benefits provided by Google include $500 in "baby bonding bucks" for employees who are new parents, and increased maternity leave for postpartum women for three to five months.

"The benefits and care of employees is obviously world class, and compensation is almost unmatchable," a Google employee said on the online company review website. "But the company attracts some of the best talent and best people to work with in the world, which is the most important bit."

Other major companies included in the list were Facebook, which was No.1 on the 2011 and 2013 lists, and Bain & Co., which took the top spot in the 2014 list, the Los Angeles Times reported. Twitter, which was No.2 for 2014, fell off the list completely, and Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman said it was "probably the single biggest change and surprise this year."

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