
Facebook Working on Artificial Intelligence that Keeps You from Posting Embarrassing Photos

Facebook is working on an artificial intelligence that will help people avoid posting photos of themselves that they might regret the next day.

The goal for the new technology is to look at photos and other activities on the social network site and find elements that could potentially embarrass the user, according to The Guardian. The "deep learning" tool is being developed by a team led by Yann LeCun, head of Facebook's AI research.

LeCun said the tool could look at uploaded content and virtually tell the user "uh, this is being posted publicly. Are you sure you want your boss and your mother to see this?"

LeCun's team has already created algorithms that work to figure out the right content to put in news feeds by studying the user's activities on the site, IBNLive reported. He said Facebook is hoping the digital assistant will be able to closely analyze different kinds of posts.

"You need a machine to really understand content and understand people and be able to hold all that data," he said.

LeCun calls this issue an "AI-complete problem," referring to the development of an artificial intelligence with the same capabilities of human intelligence, The Guardian reported.

Facebook is currently able to identify people's faces in pictures and suggest tags for them with its current AI technology.

The AI research team also plans on developing AI systems capable of understanding Facebook data in more complex ways, IBNLive reported.

"Imagine that you had an intelligent digital assistant which would medicate your interaction with your friends and also with content on Facebook," LeCun said.

Facebook, Artificial intelligence, Drunk, Selfie, Photos
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