Rupert Murdoch Files For Divorce From Third Wife Wendi Deng

Rupert Murdoch filed for divorce on Thursday from his third wife, Wendi Deng.

Little details have been released about what brought on the split between 82-year-old Murdoch and his wife.

News of the divorce comes just days after his News Corp company announced the final steps of its own split.

Murdoch will be chairman for both of the companies once they part ways for good.

Deng-born in China, educated at Yale-made headlines when she defended her soon-to-be-ex husband Murdoch in 2011, when a man threw a shaving cream pie at Murdoch's face. Deng went after the assaulter, jumping on him and pushing his hand out of the way.

The scene reportedly eased tensions at the parliamentary hearing where the pie event took place. "Mr. Murdoch, your wife has a very good left hook," one legislator said.

The occurrence became known as "the slap heard around the world" and ignited a whole host of praise and disbelief on social media, CNN reported.

#Wendi became a trending topic on Twitter. Business and music mogul Russell Simmons tweeted, "When I saw Wendi Murdoch last week in NYC, she told me she had to go to London to 'take care of her man'... now I see what she meant."

In 2000, the Wall Street Journal published an extensive feature piece on Deng. They wrote that she quite often went along with her husband and stepson to meetings with top Chinese politicians and government officials, where should could use her language and cultural connection to interject if she had "to smooth over potentially awkward situations."

Rupert Murdoch is rumored to have a net worth of about $11.2 billion.