
'Pixels': Sony Unleashes Five New Posters for Retro Gaming Themed Flick (SEE IT)

Sony Pictures has revealed five new character posters for '80s arcade comedy/action flick "Pixels," featuring the likes of "Pac-Man," "Centipede," "Space Invaders," "Donkey Kong," and "Galaga." Check out all five posters in the gallery below. Thanks to Kotaku for the tip.

The film, which stars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Josh Gad, Peter Dinklage and Brian Cox will invade big screens everywhere on July 24, 2015.

In "Pixels," intergalactic aliens misconstrue video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war against them and attack the Earth, using the games themselves as models for their various assaults. President Will Cooper (James) has to call on his childhood best friend, '80s video game champion Sam Brenner (Sandler), now a home theater installer, to lead a team of old-school arcade wizards (Dinklage and Gad) to defeat the aliens and, of course, save the planet. Monaghan plays the team's unique weapons specialist.

The action-comedy is directed by Chris Columbus from a story by Tim Herlihy and a screenplay by Tim Herlihy and Timothy Dowling, based on the brilliant short film of the same name by Patrick Jean (check that out here because it is unequivocally awesome). The film is produced by Sandler, Columbus, Mark Radcliffe and Allen Covert.

If this film has half the retro heart of 'Wreck-it-Ralph" it should be a winner...but, it does have Sandler and I haven't really liked a film of his since 1998's "The Wedding Singer." I'll play wait and see for now on this one. The posters are pretty darn cool, though.

Pixels, Sony, Sony Pictures, Adam Sandler, Pac-Man
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