Mexican Woman Decapitates Husband, Scatters Body Parts Around Mexico City, Cops Say

A Mexican woman allegedly decapitated her "abusive" husband before hiding his remains in locations around the nation's capital, CEN reported.

Maria Alejandra Lafuente Castro, a psychologist, drugged her husband with sleeping pills and waited until he was knocked out before taking a chainsaw to his head and other body parts, police said.

She placed the remains in trash bags and hid them around Mexico City, police allege. To avoid suspicion, she told her husband's friends and family he was on a business trip and used his cellphone to send them text messages.

Castro's alleged ruse was up when children playing in a city park found the head of Allan Carrera Cuellar, her husband. His hands and feet were found in another location.

"After we found the remains and managed to identify him from DNA, she pretended to be a grieving widow," an unnamed police spokesman told CEN.

But investigators found her Mexico City home was covered in forensic evidence, including Cuellar's blood and bone fragments in the carpet and pieces of skin in the bathroom, the spokesman said.

Castro, who said her husband physically abused her, apparently tried using her skills as a shrink to dupe the police.

"She then tried to have herself sectioned using her knowledge of mental illness as a psychologist so she wouldn't have to stand trial for his murder," the spokesman said. "But we had a doctor carry out tests and she is of perfectly sane mind."

Castro was arrested and faces life in prison for the alleged killing.

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