Newborn Baby Girl Dumped Naked Inside Trash Bin: 'I Saw This Blood Red Body Of A Baby Covered In Ants. It Was Horrifying"

In a ridiculously gruesome incident to come out of India, a newborn was found being "eaten alive" by ants after having been dumped naked inside a trash bin.

The girl, who was just two hours old, was discovered by a security guard near a school in Bhopal, UK Mirror reported. The baby's painful cries had led the 32-year-old guard to find her covered in ant bites.

"I heard the sound of a baby crying but at first thought it was some kids messing around," Ahmed Kahn said. "But as it continued, I realized it was coming from a bin across the road and when I went over I saw this blood red body of a baby covered in ants."

"It was truly horrifying. The baby was waving its arms and legs around to get away from the pain from the bites because it was covered in ants."

"They were crawling all over her and eating her alive. I immediately pulled her out, beat off the ants and called an ambulance," he continued.

The baby's mother was tracked down by police authorities after CCTV footage showed a hooded woman dumping the naked child in the bin.

"The woman is from the city of Chindwada but moved here last year and was living with her sister," a police spokesman said."She became pregnant with a man who slept with her on the pretext of getting married, but then disappeared."

"Overcome with guilt and shame she disposed of the newborn baby to avoid humiliation and social stigma," the spokesman continued. "She was arrested and could be charged with endangering the life of a child."

After being rushed to a local hospital, the newborn is reportedly in critical condition, according to UK Mirror.

"She was about two-hours-old and was in a very bad way," a hospital spokesman said. "We are keeping her under constant observation."