Alcatraz Three - The Most Infamous Prison Escapees - Could Still Be Alive, According To Scientists

They said it couldn't be done - then three men did it. They escaped from Alcatraz.

Alcatraz - "The Rock" - was a maximum security prison in the San Francisco Bay that at one point was home away from home to gangsters Al Capone, Mickey Cohen, Whitey Bulger and the "Birdman of Alcatraz," Robert Franklin Stroud, according to Live Science and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Alcatraz operated for about 30 years and according to the F.B.I., 14 escape attempts were made by 36 men, but nearly all were captured or died in the process. Those statistics changed on the night of June 11, 1962 when John Anglin, his brother Clarence Anglin and Frank Morris made a prison break so mysterious, it was made into a movie.

Prison escape, Prison break, Clint Eastwood, Whitey Bulger, San francisco, San Francisco Bay, The Rock, FBI