Anti-gun PSA Advocates Breaking Multiple Laws By Suggesting Kids Should Turn Guns In At School

A new controversial gun control PSA is making its rounds and is being lambasted by critics for encouraging children to steal their parents' guns and turn them in at school, an act that would likely result in multiple felony charges and put countless lives at risk.

The video was directed and written by independent filmmaker and gun control advocate Rejina Sincic, and shows a young boy stealing his mother's handgun from her dresser, placing the gun in his backpack and carrying it to school.

At the end of class, the boy waits for the other children to leave the room before he walks up to his teacher, removes the gun from his bag and places the gun on the startled teacher's desk.

"Can you take this away? I don't feel safe with a gun in my house," the boy says.

The Internet is ablaze with critics hounding Sincic for advocating gun control measures that would not only place lives in danger, but likely result in the boy having to face a number of felony charges. wrote about the PSA and the consequences of bringing a firearm into a school:

"In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

He would face the possibility of felony criminal record and mandatory expulsion from his school... and this is the kind of behavior that deranged gun control supporter Sincic is hoping that children will emulate."

Sincic took to Twitter to support her PSA, claiming that people are too afraid and cowardly to share her video.

Gun control