JetBlue Offering Free Flights To Police In The U.S. Who Want To Attend New York Officers' Funerals

An airline is offering free airfare to police officers who want to support their brethren and attend the funerals of the two NYPD officers that were shot and killed last weekend, according to CNN Money.

JetBlue (JBLU), a New York-based airline, has offered to fly two officers from each department on its route around the United States to New York for the funerals of slain officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. The officers were shot in their patrol car in Brooklyn by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a man from Georgia who advertised his intent to kill cops on social media allegedly to avenge deaths of black teens and men, like Eric Garner in Staten Island.

JetBlue is also working with partner airlines to have Liu's family members flown in from overseas, according to CNN Money.

The funeral for Ramos will be held on Dec 27. Liu's funeral has not been scheduled, since his family from China is still arranging travel.

JetBlue released a statement, according to CNN Money, that the flights are offered "to law enforcement agencies across our route network who wish to send representatives to New York to support their brethren... We are accepting up to two officers from each department (space permitting)."

NYPD's 25th Precinct in Manhattan took to Twitter to publicly thank JetBlue.

JetBlue, China, New York, NYPD, Brooklyn, Georgia, Wenjian Liu, Rafael Ramos
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