Madonna ‘Rebel Heart’: 14 More Songs Leak Including Pharrell Williams Collaboration

It's going to be a rough weekend for Madonna. The 56-year-old singer is dealing with a second massive leak from her upcoming album "Rebel Heart." Last week, six songs popped up online before they were scheduled to be released, and now 14 more are circulating the internet.

Among the 14 leaked songs is a collaboration with Pharrell Williams called "Back That Up (Do It)," according to The Hollywood Reporter. Madonna hasn't responded to the latest leak, but last week she ranted on Instagram, calling it "artistic rape."

"This is artistic rape!! These are early leaked demo's half of which won't even make it on my album the other half have changed and evolved. This is a form of terrorism," she wrote. "Wtf!! Why do people want to destroy the artistic process??? Why steal? Why not give me the opportunity to finish and give you my very best?"

Eventually, she deleted the post and spoke with Billboard about the songs appearing online before they were ready.

"I'm not happy that unreleased demos are out there in the world for people to hear, listen, judge etcetera, etcetera," she said. "Once that happened we went into overdrive. A) Trying to figure out where the leaks were coming from, and then B) Trying to combat that with putting out finished music that people could focus on versus demos that were never meant for anyone to hear. So, that led to no sleep."

"It's crazy. I mean, look at what's going on with Sony Pictures. It's just the age that we're living in. It's crazy times," Madonna added. "The internet is as constructive and helpful in bringing people together as it is in doing dangerous things and hurting people. It's a double-edged sword."

To combat the leak, Madonna and her team officially released the six songs, including a single with Nicki Minaj called "Bitch I'm Madonna."

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the names of the new leaked songs are as follows:

"Veni Vidi Vici"
"Beautiful Scars"
"God is Love"
"Hold Tight"
"Best Night"
"Inside Out"
"Tragic Girl"
"Nothing Lasts Forever"
"Back That Up (Do It)" ft. Pharrell Williams
"Holy Water"
"Graffiti Heart"
"Body Shop"

"Rebel Heart" will be released March 10, 2015 through Interscope Records.

Madonna, Rebel Heart, Leak, Music, Pharrell Williams, Songs