Google Hopes To Have Self Driving Car On Road By End Of Decade (WATCH)

Google unveiled its latest self-driving vehicle before Christmas, but unlike the mock-up car Google first shared in May, this version is fully functional, according to USA Today.

Google's driverless car is a somewhat round, white and gray car with headlights and is designed without permanent driving tools like a gas pedal or wheel, The Daily Mail reported. The car is made in a dome-like shape in order to produce the widest field of view.

In order to comply with California state law, the car must still be equipped with removable, temporary controls for the required "safety driver," a real person who needs to be in the car and ready to take over in an emergency, according to the Daily Mail.

Google began its journey with self-driving cars by first experimenting with modified existing cars, like a Toyota, Audi and Lexus, by adding multiple cameras and sensors and an onboard computer, but Google has moved on to making its own car from scratch, reported.

Google's goal is to one day remove any interior controls so that passengers can partake in other hands-on activities while on the way to their location, according to Google hopes to have its version on the road by the end of the decade.

Google's self-driving car team will continue to test the vehicle on a private track in California, where it works its way around traffic lights and mock construction zones, the Daily Mail reported. Google has said it's interested in launching a pilot program for the cars in the coming years.

In order for Google cars, or those like it, can make their way to actual streets, companies will need figure out ethical issues, improve basic driving functions, and work with governments on legislation to allow driverless cars on all roads, according to USA Today.

Among the other companies developing driverless car technology are Universities and major auto manufacturers such as BMW and Mercedes, the Daily Mail reported.

Google, Car, Automobile
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