Flywheel to Compete with Uber by Offering Rides for $10 on New Year's Eve

Flywheel, a service for booking taxi cabs, plans on competing with Uber over the New Year's Holiday by offering rides for only $10.

The fee will last for a seven-hour period starting at 8 p.m. on Wednesday (New Year's Eve) and ending at 3 a.m. Thursday morning (New Year's Day), according to Digital Trends.

With this mobile app, users can track how well the approaching cab has done in the past and can pay for rides through the app. Flywheel runs criminal background checks on all drivers and only uses taxis that are commercially insured.

This holiday option will only be available if the regular cost would have been less than $50, and users will have to pay the balance of the ride after the first $50, The Verge reported.

The offer follows shortly after Uber said it will complete 2 million rides on New Year's Eve. While the San Francisco-based company has its attention on Lyft as its main competitor, Flywheel plans on making a statement in the ride-sharing market with its holiday offer, which is available in San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento and Seattle.

Flywheel will tip its drivers 100 percent on every ride to make sure they pick up passengers for the flat rate rides on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, Digital Trends reports. Passengers have the option to give their drivers tips as well.

Uber, New year's eve, New Years Day, Ride-sharing service, Taxi