Man Beats Pregnant Girlfriend With Frozen Steak And Then Shoots At Her As She Escapes

A Tennessee man used beef steaks to hit his pregnant girlfriend in the face and chest before firing gunshots at her car as she drove away, the Daily News reported on Friday.

Jeremiah Genesis Taylor, 25, is said to have gotten angry at his partner during a verbal confrontation at their home on Sunday.

"If you call 911, tell them to bring an ambulance," Taylor said, according to police.

The woman, who is three months pregnant, got away with her other young child in her vehicle. Taylor then grabbed a gun and fired into the vehicle, making contact with the spoiler, ABC News reported.

SWAT teams and the local police force arrived and blocked off the scene while Taylor hid inside his house.

"If the police come in, they're going to have to shoot me," he reportedly told his girlfriend during a phone call.

Though he was trying to hide, the man was quickly apprehended. He has been charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and is being held on $7,500 bond.

News, Crime, Weird, Steak, Assault
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