Archaeologists Uncover Tomb of Osiris in Egypt

A team of archaeologists working in Thebes, Egypt have discovered the mythical tomb of the Egyptian God of the Dead, Osiris.

According to Ancient Origins, the Spanish-Italian team of archaeologists found the tomb in the necropolis of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, on the West Bank at Thebes.

The tomb is a reproduction of the mythical tomb of Osiris as described in Egyptian legend, which includes multiple shafts and chambers.

The tomb resembles the design of the Osireion built under the Egyptian pharaoh Seti I in the city of Abydos, Luxor.

The International Business Times reported that scientists date the tomb back to the 25th dynasty (760-656 B.C.).

Archaeologists discovered a carving of Osiris in the middle of the central vaulted temple of the funerary complex.

The funerary complex lies beneath a hall supported by five pillars, and a staircase from the north wall of the main room connects the funerary section to the hall, Ancient Origins said.

Archaeologists found a painting depicting demons with knives in a room to the west of the central temple of the funerary complex.

The leader of the excavation, Maria Milagros Alvarez Sosa, said the demons are there to protect the body of the deceased.

Across from the carving of Osiris is a staircase with a 29.5-foot shaft which leads to another chamber.

This chamber holds a second shaft that lowers 19.6 feet into two rooms that are full of debris.

The International Business Times said in ancient Egyptian mythology, Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, God of disorder and chaos.

Seth put Osiris in a sarcophagus and threw it into the Nile River where Osiris' wife and Seth's sister, Isis, found it.

Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Magic, put the body back together and created a golden phallus for Osiris. His phallus had been eaten by catfish.

She brought Osiris back to life long enough to become pregnant with Horus, who is seen as a representation of new beginnings and destroyer of Seth.

Egypt, Archaeology, Tomb, Discovery, Gods