Sexual Assault Suspect Beaten, Denied Bail

A South Carolina man who was horribly beaten after allegedly trying to sexually assault his nephew's girlfriend was denied bail by a judge on Saturday, NBC reported.

William Mattson, 52, is facing a criminal sexual conduct charge after the alleged first-degree assault in a home near Myrtle Beach on New Years Day.

Police received a call about an attempted sexual assault just after 1 a.m., but when they arrived, Mattson was already bruised and bloody.

The 27-year-old nephew had left the house briefly, and heard sounds coming from the bedroom he and his girlfriend share when he arrived home. Upon kicking down the door, he found Mattson on top of the woman. He then got into a physical fight with Mattson and chased him away from the home.

The woman was naked and covered by blankets, but the two only hugged and kissed, according to Mattson. The woman told police she did not consent to the encounter.

Mattson's lip, mouth and left eye were swollen, blooied and bruised at the scene. His eye was swollen shut after being hit with a closed first repeated times.

A VHS tape was also taken during the arrest, but police did not say what its significance to the investigation was, Count On 2 reported.