Facebook Suffers a Brief Downtime; Upset Users Express Aggravation On Twitter

Facebook suffered an outage for several hours Tuesday night upsetting a lot of users

Facebook, the online social networking site, suffered an outage last night for four hours, which resulted in many frustrated users venting their anger about the outage on Twitter.

The outage was first reported by website service monitoring sites DownRightNow and DownForEveryoneOrJustMe. The problem, however, has been resolved and Facebook is working just fine as ever. Facebook issued a statement apologizing for the outage but gave no reason for it.

"Earlier today, an internal issue in our Web infrastructure caused the site to be slow or unavailable for a brief period of time," Facebook said in a statement. "We resolved the issue quickly, and should now be back to 100 percent. We apologize for any inconvenience."

Facebook users witnessed an unusual error message when they tried accessing the login page. "Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can," it read for some users.

Facebook has experienced a series of similar outages including the one last month, when users' accounts remained unavailable due to a site issue. In February, the social media site reported an outage lasting for about an hour. During a traffic optimization test in October last year, Facebook found itself in a similar situation.

Many Facebook users voiced their misery via Twitter accounts, while some joked about the downtime.

"Facebook down for approximately 30 minutes forcing millions of families to talk to each other face to face," wrote a user @bschorr.

"Facebook is down, they're coming here. Run while you can!" joked another user @_correctomundo.

Some users also joked the latest uproar over government's surveillance program citing the cause of the outage.

"Facebook is down. No worries, it's just the NSA conducting a routine maintenance check on all of your messages," tweeted @EC11885.

And @DejaVuBoy tweeted, "#facebook is down. We must be under attack. SNOWDEN'S VENGEANCE."

Facebook, Outage, Fans, Users, Twitter