Walt Disney World Visitor Challenges Gaston Character To A Push-Up Contest

One cocky tourist at Walt Disney World believed he could beat the "Beauty and the Beast" character Gaston in a push-up contest. He learned quickly that Gaston's puffed costume wasn't just for show.

Blake Platt, the challenger in the video, approached Gaston at a traditional character meet and greet inside the Disney park. Instead of posing for a picture, he questioned the narcissistic character's strength and challenged him to the push-up contest.

"You think you're pretty strong? I think I'm stronger than you," Platt says.

The two agree to the challenge but must first agree on a prize for the winner. A young woman off-camera volunteers and the two men start their bout.

As soon as they begin, it's clear that Platt is wholly outmatched. He never gives up, but Gaston performs two push-ups for his every one.

"Boy, hurry up. You're slow," Gaston taunts his challenger and then ups the ante. "He looks like he's slow. Perhaps he needs a hand."

The "Beauty and the Beast" character starts doing one-handed push-ups. Platt manages to perform a few himself but his arm soon collapses under the weight of his body.

Gaston and Platt received a hearty applause from the gathered crowd.

Platt and his brother are frequent guests of Disney World, and they always enter with the goal "to make someone's day," he wrote in the caption for his YouTube video.

"This got infinitely more attention than I thought it would. We were just having fun and I thought a person or two might get a chuckle out of it," he said about the video that has garnered almost 3 million views. "When my brother and I go to the Disney parks (which we love), one of our goals every time we enter is to make someone's day, even if it's just one person. Hopefully we've been able to do that on a little larger scale... and in a way [in] which Walt would be proud."

Walt Disney World, Beauty and the Beast, Disney
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