More Republicans Say They Refuse to Back Boehner for Speaker

More Republicans came out over the weekend in opposition to re-electing John Boehner, R-Ohio, to a third term as speaker of the House of Representatives.

Nine conservative Republicans have now said they plan to vote against Boehner when the House convenes on Tuesday, reported Fox News.

Those Republicans are Reps. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Ted Yoho, R-Fla.; Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla.; Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.; Steven King, R-Iowa; Dave Brat, R-Va.; Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind.; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; and Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

Two of them, Gohmert, and Yoho, claim they will challenge Boehner for the position, with Gohmert going so far as to suggest that Boehner acts like a "dictator."

"In 2010, Boehner and other leaders said if you put us in the majority, we will have time to read the bills," Gohmert said Sunday on Fox New's "Fox and Friends" while announcing his candidacy to replace Boehner. "That hasn't happened. We saw that with the cromnibus, again."

"However, after our speaker forced through the (spending bill) by passing it with Democratic votes and without time to read it, it seemed clear that we needed new leadership," he continued.

"We will go through regular committee process so everybody, every representative from both parties, will have a chance to participate in the process and not have a dictator running things, deciding who's the chairman, who gets what committee, what bills come to the floor."

Gohmert hinted that at least one more Republican could step up to challenge Boehner as well, reported Fox News.

Bridenstine said in a statement released Sunday that the "Gang of Nine" could soon move into double digits on Monday as more of his colleagues plan to publicly voice their opposition.

"I am pleased to see so many Members of Congress responding to the voices of their constituents in supporting new leadership," Bridenstine said in his statement. "Rep. Louie Gohmert added his name to Rep. Ted Yoho as willing to stand for election as Speaker of the House. Reps. Paul Gosar, Steve King and Dave Brat made public statements of their commitments to vote for new leadership. Rep. Marlin Stutzman also gave me permission to announce that his statement would be forthcoming Monday morning. Rep. Walter Jones, Thomas Massie and I had issued our statements previously."

Congressman Jones from North Carolina suggested that as many as 18 conservatives will vote against Boehner, reported Fox News.

Despite the vocal opposition, Boehner is expected to retain his position as speaker. For the vote to move to a second ballot, 28 would have to vote against Boehner, and that hasn't happened since 1923.

Yoho remained optimistic on Monday, though, telling Fox News, "That's our goal. And, you know, we fully anticipate to get there."

"We've already had nine members step out, saying they will not support this speaker. And this is significant because there's members that have been there for quite a while that are coming out, stepping forward and saying, 'We will not support Mr. Boehner,'" Yoho said.

Republicans, Speaker of House
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