Kid Rock Shares Thoughts on Politics, Gays, Guns, Drugs & More

Kid Rock holds nothing back in his recent rant.

In an interview with The Guardian, the 43-year-old rock star shared his views on everything from wealth, politics, abortion, homophobia, guns and his childhood.

He calls his childhood experience hell and admits that he considers himself an "old guy" because he doesn't "FaceTweet or whatever people do." Rock, who began his career recording rap-rock music, is now calling the genre that made him famous "gay."

"Rap-rock was what people wanted at the time, and they still love those songs at shows," he wrote in his piece. "But it turned into a lot of bullshit and it turned out to be pretty gay... If someone says you can't say 'gay' like that you tell them to go f--k themselves. You're not going to get anything politically correct out of me."

Although he is not crazy about weed, Rock said he thinks the government should legalize "pot, cocaine, [and] heroin." The Michigan-born musician, who endorsed Mitt Romney for president, said he is not "a fan of abortion" and also shared his thoughts on gay marriage

On his political views, the former country star said, "I am definitely a Republican on fiscal issues and the military, but I lean to the middle on social issues. I am no fan of abortion, but it's not up to a man to tell a woman what to do. As an ordained minister I don't look forward to marrying gay people, but I'm not opposed to it."

Rock, who is a gun advocate, added, "I'm always buying more guns. I have everything from a Civil War cannon to an MP5 machine gun and old police guns. If someone invades your house, yeah, you can shoot them. I don't think crazy people should have guns."

Kid Rock, LGBT, Politics
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