
ArcSoft Updates Simplicam with Facial Recognition at CES 2015

ArcSoft announced a new update for its Simplicam security camera that solves the problem of receiving too many alerts.

The announcement came at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas .

The new features include new facial recognition capabilities that will allow the camera to scan and save the physical description of up to 10 different people, according to CNET.

A subscription to cloud recording services is required for facial recognition, as well as facial detection.

The system is designed to stop providing alerts when they aren't needed as well as stop recording when the camera recognizes familiar faces, The Verge reported. It will tell the user the people it recognizes, as well as those it doesn't.

Videos will be categorized based on the faces the camera collects, and the device will put together a list of still images for people it recognizes. The system will improve after the wrong images are deleted. Users can also train the device to recognize certain people, delete footage of them and send alerts only when it recognizes unfamiliar faces.

Caroline Tien-Spalding, director of marking at ArcSoft, said the company is limiting the facial recognition feature to people paying for monthly recording services because it uses ten-times the server-side processing as facial detection, The Verge reported.

Simplicam's new features are currently only available in beta form, as ArcSoft wants users to provide feedback on how well they perform, CNET reported.

The facial recognition update isn't the only thing ArcSoft has planned for Simplicam, as the company is set to add detection zones to the camera later this month.

CES 2015
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