Crime & Justice

Paris Shooting: Terrorists In Paris Leave 11 Dead, French President Calls Attack 'Cowardly' (VIDEO, BREAKING NEWS)

A shooting at the Paris office of a satirical magazine Wednesday morning left 11 dead and four critically injured, according to ABC News. French President Hollande called the attack at Charlie Hebdo offices a "terrorist operation" and "cowardly."

"This is a terrorist operation against an office that has been threatened several times, which is why it was protected," Hollande said, according to ABC News.

The magazine's office was firebombed in 2011 and its website was hacked after it depicted a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad on its cover.

This week's issue features a new book called "Submission" by Michel Houellebecq about an Islamic party-led France that bans women from the workplace.

According to ABC, a witness saw multiple attackers and a police union official said the gunmen used two vehicles to escape.

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Muhammad, Charlie Hebdo, Satire, Islam, Islamic, Women, Banned, Work, Workplace, Terrorist attack, Terrorist, Terrorists, Terror, Paris, France, Video, Photos, Breaking, Breaking News, Dead, 11, Injured, Paris Shooting, Religion, Cartoon, Book
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