
OnKol Health Hub Designed to Collect Health Information on Your Loved Ones

Hardware startup OnKol has created a device that will help you make sure your loved ones on the other side of the country are in good health.

The health hub is designed to work with health monitors and devices supporting Bluetooth connections to store digital health data, according to Engadget. An online dashboard is included for storing data and lets users look at health information such as heart rate, weight and oxygen saturation.

Users will also receive reminders and schedules so they know what they need to do to stay healthy. Family members and caretakers will also receive text and email alerts for every action.

The OnKol's other features include a cellular radio if the user can't get any Wi-Fi connection and a large button that, when pressed, puts the device into emergency mode and sends messages to pre-set contacts, Engadget reported. If the hub doesn't shut off quickly enough, emergency services will also receive a call.

OnKol has yet to announce a price or release date for its new health hub, but once it's made available, it is sure to come in handy for people who want to make sure their loved ones are doing fine.

Family, Health
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