Charlie Hebdo Shooting Sparks Response By Reddit User, Plans To Draw Prophet Muhammad Every Day For The Rest Of The Year

An amateur artist has vowed to draw the Prophet Muhammad every day for the rest of this year, in defense of satire and as a stance against the shootings at Charlie Hebdo.

Reddit user "IDrawMuhammad" posted his drawing of Muhammad and received over 4,200 comments by other Reddit users in just five hours. Comments from "[expletive] you," to debates about the man Muhammad and if he deserves to be esteemed.

One Reddit user even posted his own version of the prophet, "Mariommad," which depicts a similar Muhammad but in Super Mario garb.

"I'd like to see Muhammad doing ordinary boring stuff instead of bombing everything," another Reddit user commented. "Picking up groceries, sitting on a bus, having dinner and having akward moments with the in-laws."

The suggestions flowed in."They'll get more interesting," IDrawMuhammad wrote. "I just needed to establish my base Muhammad."

Some Reddit users said the stunt is Islamophobic and wrong. "One claimed that when something like yesterday's tragedy happens, people 'drop their tolerance facades and move quickly from condemning terrorism to blatant islamophobia and racism,'" according to The Independent.

Reddit, Muhammad, Islam, Racist, Super Mario, Charlie Hebdo, Paris Shooting, Paris, France, Muslims, Muslim