
Georgia Fire Chief Sacked Over Anti-Gay Comments In Book

A Georgia fire chief was fired from his job on Tuesday after he published a book with comments condemning homosexuality, WXIA reported.

In "Who Told You That You Were Naked," Atlanta's former fire chief Kelvin Cochran wrote that homosexuality was "unclean" and "a sexual perversion."

Being gay is "vulgar" and "inappropriate," Cochran wrote in his self-published book.

On Tuesday, Mayor Kasim Reed announced the fire chief's employment was terminated after he was given the chance to resign. Reed stated his views are not in line with Cochran's and that the fire chief violated the city's code of conduct by publishing the book.

"Not one time during the course of preparing this book did Chief Cochran ever think that it was appropriate to have a conversation with me despite the fact that I have made my opinion - and this administration's opinion - clear on this topic," Reed said according to WXIA.

Cochran's firing comes after some of his staff allegedly complained he was distributing the book amongst them, according to a statement from Alex Wan, Atlanta City Council's only openly gay member.

The fire chief-turned writer received a month's suspension in November. At the time, Reed, who would not comment on the investigation into the complaints, said the chief's views were "inconsistent with the administration's work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all citizens - regardless of their sexual orientation."

But even after being fired, the devout Christian said he was unapologetic about writing the book.

"Everything I wrote in the book is based on scriptures, not my opinions," Cochran said at a Tuesday press conference, wearing his chief's uniform, the station reported. He said he gave Reed a copy of his book a year ago.

LGBT people have the right to express themselves and should not be hated for it, Cochran said, "but Christians also have the right to express their beliefs as well."

City officials lauded the decision to fire Cochran, including Wan and Atlanta Professional Firefighters President Stephen Borders. But one organization, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, criticized the decision and said he should not have been fired because he did not discriminate against anyone, WXIA reported.

Reed said the fire department and his administration will receive sensitivity training.

Georgia, Atlanta, Fired, Homosexual, Anti-gay, Christian
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