#ISurvivedEbola: West African Survivors Share Stories In New App

Ebola survivors are sharing their stories and health tips for others on a new app for the #ISurvivedEbola campaign.

The app was launched in early December, but the first message wasn't shared until Monday. It's only accessible on smartphones given to 30 Ebola survivors from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

The posts are available for viewing through the campaign's website, ISurvivedEbola.org.

Fanta Oulen Camara had never heard of the Ebola virus until her sick cousin came to her house for her and her family to take care of. She shared her story through the app, explaining how her family of nine became a family of three because of the virus.

The #ISurvivedEbola app isn't the first designed to help with the Ebola epidemic.

FEMA launched an app with an interactive emergency checklist that allows users to add photos of disasters to a public map in August. Facebook also created an app in October, called Safety Check, which allows people near the site of a natural disaster let friends and family know they're okay.

Ebola, Ebola virus, Family