'The Princess Bride': Classic 80's Film Is Now an iOS Game (WATCH IT)

"The Princess Bride" is one of those classic movies that I can stop what I'm doing and watch anytime it is on...and do (somewhat) horrible impressions of almost every single line of dialogue. It a simple tale of a farm boy, a princess and a six-fingered man--and it has now become a video game available on iOS devices.

Based on the 1987 film, developer Gameblend Studios' mobile title, "The Princess Bride - The Official Game," includes the likenesses of the film's biggest characters and challenges players (via mini-games) to survive the shrieking eels, climb the Cliffs of Insanity, wrestle a certain giant and engage in an epic sword fight. The $3.99 game will also include future downloadable content set in the Fire Swamp.

According to developer Gameblend, Android versions are currently being worked on, as well. Download it now...and have fun storming the castle!

Check out the launch trailer below:

Ios, Apple, Android