
Drake and Formula One Racing Champion Lewis Hamilton Writing Music Together

Drake and Formula One racing champion Lewis Hamilton are fusing the worlds of music and sports.

The two stars in their respective professions have reportedly "become really close."

The 28-year-old Canadian rapper is said to be such good pals with the 30-year-old Formula One champion race car driver, he's decided to take him under his wing, musically speaking. Apparently, Lewis has built a music studio in his home and enthusiastically receives any advice his friend Drake offers on penning tracks, reports music-news.com.

"Drake and Lewis have become really close, which is why Lewis ended up modelling his clothing line for him," a source told British newspaper The Mirror.

"Drake's a huge fan of Lewis's racing and Lewis looks up to Drake musically.

"He really listens to what he has to say."

Lewis has a number of close relationships with musicians, as he's been romantically attached to former Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger since 2007.

After winning the U.S. Grand Prix last November, the professional driver spoke of his desire to spend more time focusing on hobbies.

"A lot of drivers come back in commentary, but I have different plans and aspirations," he said after the race, according to the Daily Mail. "It's about positioning myself so when I stop I have something to continue with.

"At some stage, when I retire, I'll have something that I'm also really interested in that is a substitute for racing. So that's something I want to start working towards."

Drake, Lewis Hamilton, Formula One, Rapper, Nicole Scherzinger
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